Water Fountains California

If you're a California omeowner looking to enhance your outdoor space, a water fountain can be a fantastic addition. Water fountains not only add a touch of elegance and tranquility to your garden but also provide a soothing ambiance that can help you unwind after a long day. At Galleria Imports US, we understand the allure of water features in California's sunny climate, and we offer a wide range of options to help you find the perfect water fountain for your home. With seven color variants available, including grey, charcoal, rust, slate, vertigreen, river blue, and sandstone, you're sure to discover a fountain that complements your outdoor aesthetic.

Bamboo Copper Wall Fountain

The Bamboo Copper Wall Fountain is a masterpiece of design, blending contemporary style with classic elegance. Available in seven unique colors, this fountain is perfect for those seeking a modern yet timeless piece. Its GRC construction ensures durability and longevity, making it an ideal choice for any setting.

Ying Yang Fountain

Our Ying Yang Fountain is the epitome of sophistication. Its sleek lines and elegant form make it a standout piece. Choose from our vibrant color range to match your decor. This fountain, crafted from premium GRC, offers not just beauty but also resilience against the elements.

Aquarius Fountain - Medium

Experience the tranquil beauty of the Aquarius Fountain - Medium. Its unique design creates a calming ambiance, perfect for relaxation. Available in our full color spectrum, this GRC fountain is as versatile as it is stunning, fitting seamlessly into various landscapes or interior designs.

Discover the full range of our Water Fountains California and more at GalleriaImports US. Delve into a world of elegance and tranquility with our carefully curated collection, and find the perfect fountain to elevate your space.